“I’m Stephan, Dr. Steve Drescher’s son of Drescher & Cohen who have been at Colony Square for more than 32 years. Dr. Cohen has been at Colony for over 40 years. I just joined the practice a couple of months ago. I went to North Carolina for dental school, then did two years of residency in Augusta. My father and Dr. Cohen started my interest in dentistry, which really influenced me to choose this career path. I love helping people be happy with their smiles and bringing them confidence.
I have lived in this area my whole life and am excited to be working at Colony Square. Being located in Midtown is very convenient. A lot of people might not live close by, but they work close by, so it is great to have them come see us here.
I am really looking forward to seeing how Colony Square will continue to progress, especially now that the old Mall Level is open air. It will be a place for people to enjoy; not just on their breaks during business hours, but at night and on the weekends as well.
A personal mantra that I like to live by has always been ‘treat people the way you want to be treated.’ At our practice, we always want to do right by the patients. In our field, it is important that everyone is comfortable, feels at home, and is having the best experience possible.”