1175 Peachtree Street NE
Building 100, Suite #1700
Atlanta, GA 30361
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Monday - Friday, 9:00AM - 12:00PM + 1:00PM - 4:00PM
The Consulate General of Canada in Atlanta represents Canada in the 6-state region of AL, GA, MS, NC, SC and TN.
Our Mission
At its core, our mission is to build relationships:
- To assist Canadian in the Southeast United States
- To promote Canadian interests and values and to work with U.S. partners on priority issues
- To promote Canadian products, services, investment opportunities, and science & technology partnerships
The Consulate General of Canada in Atlanta is part of a network of missions that constitute the Government of Canada’s official representation in the United States. The Consulate General in Atlanta provides the following services:
CONSULAR SERVICES: The function of the Consular Services section is to protect and assist Canadians who live or travel within the six-state Southeast U.S. region, and to respond promptly to requests for help in situations of distress. Among the consular services extended is an issuance of emergency passports, processing of citizenship applications, notarial services, responding to specific requests for information, and serving as a liaison with local and state emergency management agencies and first responders. This section also provides assistance to Canadian citizens arrested or detained in the Southeast United States.
FOREIGN POLICY AND DIPLOMACY SERVICES: This program establishes and maintains broad-based relationships with members of the political, government, commercial, academic, media, and cultural communities within the Southeast United States in an ongoing effort to raise overall awareness and understanding of Canada and Canadian interests and values. Engagement with U.S. partners focuses on issues of priority for both countries such as economic competitiveness, North American security, energy & environment, and the Arctic.
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: The Canada-United States economic relationship is larger and more diversified than that of any other two nations in the world. Each country is the other’s largest customer for exported goods and services, and each is among the other’s chief sources of foreign direct investment. As specialists in a variety of priority sectors, our Trade Commissioners assist Canadian firms to identify and expand their export markets in the Southeast United States with focused market intelligence. We also provide information and advice on developing strategic alliances between American and Canadian companies; promote Canada as a destination for foreign direct investment and as a key international player in science, technology, and innovation partnerships; and identify Canadian sources of supply for buyers, distributors, and manufacturers’ representatives in the Southeast U.S.A.